24 contributionsBack to Members
Helios is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 0 stories
- 0 guides
- 5 decks
- 4 hosted tournaments
- 15 podiums
- 0 won card contests
- 0 artworks
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code contributions
- 0 donations
- Player IDHelios’s Stormbound player ID is 1003567845. Consider adding them to your friend list in the game so you can play together.
- Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Implosion Tournament.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaErratic Neglects1
- 1manaSummon Militia1
- 2manaRestless Goats1
- 3manaHunter’s Vengeance1
- 3manaStrict Quartermasters1
- 3manaTemple of the Heart1
- 3manaWetland Deceivers1
- 4manaBroken Truce1
- 4manaFinal Sacrifice1
- 4manaReckless Rushers1
- 4manaRogue Sheep1
- 4manaSnake Eyes1
- Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Mint tournament .
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaErratic Neglects1
- 2manaDubious Hags1
- 2manaWild Saberpaws1
- 3manaVa’vel the Looper1
- 3manaWestwind Sailors1
- 4manaGuardi the Lightbringer1
- 4manaMalicious Finch1
- 4manaTode the Elevated1
- 5manaLeafpatters1
- 6manaBlood Ministers1
- 6manaHairy Chestnuts1
- 6manaSnowdrifts1
- Helios has won the 🥈 silver medal in Outcasts Tournament.
- Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Snowball Tournament 2.
+ Toggle deck display
- 2manaSparkly Kitties3
- 3manaFrozen Core3
- 3manaHunter’s Vengeance3
- 4manaRimelings3
- 4manaSiegebreakers3
- 5manaChilled Stonedames3
- 6manaDawnsparks3
- 6manaTwilight Prowlers3
- 6manaVisions of the Grove3
- 8manaCrazy Bombers3
- 9manaGift of the Wise3
- 9manaOlf the Hammer3
- Helios has won the 🥈 silver medal in Gifted Level 3 Tournament.
- Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Ancient Tournament.
- Helios has set up a Shadowfen deck with tags High Levels called Shadowguards.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaGreen Prototypes5
- 2manaCopperskin Ranger5
- 2manaDubious Hags5
- 2manaGifted Recruits5
- 2manaToxic Sacrifice5
- 2manaWild Saberpaws5
- 3manaFort of Ebonrock5
- 3manaHeliotroopers5
- 4manaTode the Elevated5
- 4manaWitches of the Wild5
- 6manaBroodmother Qordia5
- 6manaHearthguards5
Shadowguards by HeliosIn July 2021 as High Levels - Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Draftbound.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaGreen Prototypes1
- 2manaFrosthexers1
- 3manaCollector Mirz1
- 3manaPersonal Servers1
- 3manaUnhealthy Hysteria1
- 4manaExecution1
- 4manaRazor-Sharp Lynxes1
- 5manaFluffy Badboxers1
- 5manaHarvesters of Souls1
- 6manaNeedle Blast1
- 7manaWolfcloaks1
- 8manaCrazy Bombers1
- Helios has set up a Shadowfen deck with tags Regular called Goldenheart.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaGreen Prototypes3
- 2manaDubious Hags3
- 2manaGifted Recruits3
- 2manaWild Saberpaws3
- 3manaConfinement3
- 3manaHunter’s Vengeance3
- 3manaTemple of the Heart3
- 4manaBeasts of Terror3
- 4manaSiegebreakers3
- 5manaSoulcrushers3
- 6manaHearthguards3
- 8manaHigh Priestess Klaxi3
Goldenheart by HeliosIn March 2021 as Regular - Helios has won, alongside Grimm, the 🥇 gold medal in Attack & Defend Tournament.
- Helios has won the 🥉 bronze medal in Tornado Tournament.
+ Toggle deck display
- 2manaSpare Dragonling1
- 3manaCollector Mirz1
- 3manaFort of Ebonrock1
- 3manaYowling Weavers1
- 4manaRogue Sheep1
- 4manaSiegebreakers1
- 5manaVoidsurgers1
- 6manaHearthguards1
- 6manaTegor the Vengeful1
- 7manaArchdruid Earyn1
- 8manaCrazy Bombers1
- 9manaGift of the Wise1
- Helios has won, alongside Emkaem, the 🥇 gold medal in Reckless Draft 2.
+ Toggle deck display
- 2manaCopperskin Ranger1
- 3manaCrimson Sentry1
- 3manaFaithless Prophets1
- 3manaHeliotroopers1
- 3manaTrekking Aldermen1
- 3manaWandering Wyrms1
- 4manaLich Summoners1
- 4manaSiegebreakers1
- 5manaAmberhides1
- 5manaHarvesters of Souls1
- 5manaVoidsurgers1
- 6manaBroodmother Qordia1
- Helios has organized Faction Wars – Season 2.
Each season, represent your favorite faction and fight against other factions to score as many points as possible.
- Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Snowball Tournament.
+ Toggle deck display
- 2manaSpare Dragonling1
- 3manaFelflares1
- 3manaFrozen Core1
- 4manaBeasts of Terror1
- 4manaMelodious Sisters1
- 4manaMystwives1
- 5manaFluffy Badboxers1
- 6manaTegor the Vengeful1
- 6manaTwilight Prowlers1
- 7manaArchdruid Earyn1
- 9manaGift of the Wise1
- 9manaSiren of the Seas1
- Helios has organized Faction Wars – Season 1.
Each season, represent your favorite faction and fight against other factions to score as many points as possible.
- Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Battle Week.
- Helios has organized Renaissance Tournament.
The Renaissance Tournament aimed to bring back veteran players and navigating a set of challenging deck restrictions.
- Helios has set up a Shadowfen deck with tags Starter called ToadTakeOver.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaGreen Prototypes2
- 2manaDubious Hags2
- 2manaWild Saberpaws2
- 3manaFaithless Prophets2
- 3manaFelflares2
- 3manaHeliotroopers2
- 4manaSnowmasons2
- 4manaWitches of the Wild2
- 5manaSoulcrushers2
- 6manaBeards of Crowglyph2
- 6manaHairy Chestnuts2
- 9manaSiren of the Seas2
ToadTakeOver by HeliosIn June 2020 as Starter - Helios has won the 🥈 silver medal in Anniversary Tournament.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaSummon Militia1
- 2manaSpare Dragonling1
- 3manaCollector Mirz1
- 3manaGreengale Serpents1
- 4manaGoldgrubbers1
- 4manaMelodious Sisters1
- 4manaOverchargers1
- 4manaSnowmasons1
- 5manaLaurus, King in Exile1
- 6manaBooming Professors1
- 7manaAged Duskbringers1
- 9manaSiren of the Seas1
- Helios has set up a Swarm deck with tags Regular called Unexpected.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaGreen Prototypes3
- 2manaDoppelbocks3
- 2manaGifted Recruits3
- 2manaLawless Herd3
- 3manaFort of Ebonrock3
- 3manaHunter’s Vengeance3
- 3manaShady Ghoul3
- 3manaUnhealthy Hysteria3
- 3manaWestwind Sailors3
- 4manaMischiefs3
- 6manaHearthguards3
- 6manaTegor the Vengeful3
Unexpected by HeliosIn April 2020 as Regular - Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Infinity Tournament.
- Helios has set up an Ironclad deck with tags Equals called Quadrant Dragonclad.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaGreen Prototypes1
- 2manaDestructobots1
- 2manaDoctor Mia1
- 2manaSpare Dragonling1
- 3manaCollector Mirz1
- 3manaFelflares1
- 3manaGreengale Serpents1
- 4manaEloth the Ignited1
- 4manaWindmakers1
- 5manaSiege Assembly1
- 6manaTegor the Vengeful1
- 6manaVictors of the Melee1
Quadrant Dragonclad by HeliosIn March 2020 as Equals - Helios has won, alongside Todam, Primal and Rodeybodey, the 🥇 gold medal in Quadrant Tournament 2.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1manaGreen Prototypes1
- 2manaFrosthexers1
- 3manaCollector Mirz1
- 3manaFelflares1
- 3manaPotion of Growth1
- 3manaThe Hearth1
- 3manaYowling Weavers1
- 4manaGoldgrubbers1
- 5manaRockworkers1
- 6manaTegor the Vengeful1
- 7manaWolfcloaks1
- 9manaGift of the Wise1